i am a HUGE fan of Shopping my home before heading out to buy new. i love taking what i have and recycling it or updating it! Giving it a new purpose!
Here is a list of the standards i love working with for my mantles Halloween or anytime of the year.
1: Old empty frames:
these i gather at Garage Sales, Thrift Stores, and Flea Markets
2: Old books:
i love gathering old books, i have used them as raw, by pulling off the book covers, spray painted gold for Christmas last year and recently i have started gathering colored books to match the holidays! {this is a new FAVE}
3: Clocks:
i love clocks, i love time, need more of it! So i have a fun collection of clocks that i use on my mantles! These are from all over my home i just recycle!
4. Milk Glass:
one of my favorite collections is my milk glass. i use it in most of my mantles, vases, jars, bowls etc! i love the pop of pure white it adds to the mantle!
5. A's for Aslett:
i collect A's they are all over my home and it's rare not to find an A or two on one of my Mantles!
6. Vintage Pieces:
these are the bits and pieces i "borrow" from around my house. Cameras, Globes, Typewriters, Bird Cages, Tea Cups etc. i love this kind of "stuff" and love the texture it adds and well as fun history.
In our home we didn't have a traditional fireplace mantle, so i put my Mr. to work and he built me a beautiful 6ft. shelf! i love it. One of the things Grant did do for me when building my shelf was he built it extra deep so that i had plenty of room to display all my fun things on. The top of my shelf is a foot deep!
Once i have "shopped" my home and have gathered some of the things i might want to use on my mantle, i lay them out onto the floor. This gives me an idea of what i have to use.
i am a very visual person this process helps me to see in my mind size, color and if i have any holes.
Once i have it laid out and see what i have, i get to work!
It always helps to have a second eye and for me a second opinion! Meg is a great help i even put G to work!
For me personally, i love lots of fun stuff! i am kind of a MORE person. I love loading up my mantles with great finds, collections and my "stuff i love."
i love adding layers and texture. This is one of the reasons i had G build my mantle extra deep.
you can see that i love layering, i love adding all kinds of texture and visual eye candy!
you can see here i have stuff tucked behind the frame, in front of the frame and in front of the spiderweb still another layer.
Garlands are a staple on my mantles as well. I LOVE them!
They are easy to create and these paper type are inexpensive too! i use old book paper and my scraps!
{halloween 2012}
when creating your Spooky Mantles look around your home, see what you my "borrow" from a bedroom or wall in your home that you can use. Create some fun Halloween projects to add to your decor that's what Spooky Spark is all about, and for me any holiday at our home.
i love using what i have, creating some fun new decor to add to my collections and i LOVE decorating for the holidays!
Join me in this year's Spooky Spark! Workshops start a week from today!
Today is the LAST day for the EARLY BIRD price of $22.99!
The workshop is 3 videos, 2 Halloween and 1 Fall projects and decor! Close to 30 projects and ideas!
this is a really fun time of year to decorate our homes starting with Halloween going into Fall and then of course Christmas!
i love decorating my home my Mantle is my favorite places to decorate!
hopefully you're inspired to do the same, take my upcoming workshop and if you're local join me and Meg for our Spooky Spark Soiree, a Girls' Craft Night out!
lots of FUN SPOOKY stuff coming up!
Happy Happy Monday!
kiss kiss
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