Spark Sisters!
Happy November! What!! Can you believe it’s November? Christmas is right around the corner! It’s time to get ready! Make some new home decor & gifts for our loves! Spark your Christmas 2017 is going to be full of ideas for home, family & friends! Something handmade for everyone! We are excited as the leaves fall & snow is sure to come! It’s time to get ready! Join us for a 3 video Workshop! We also have 2 Christmas kits to offer! 2 different looks & feels! 1 sophisticated & formal & the other is jolly & fun! We will be posting kits next Monday!
Signup today!! Early bird pricing!! $22.99 best deal for all the fun & ideas shared!
Happy Friday & happy Spark your Christmas!!

Spark Your Christmas 2016 $13.49

Spark Your Christmas 2015 $5
Spark your Christmas 2014 $5
Spark Your Holidays 2013 $5
Spark Your Christmas 2012 $5
Spark Your Christmas 2011 $5